Eclipse, Exit, and Surge

Last entry was over 5 weeks ago. So much has happened since. Some pictures to tell the story.

The annular eclipse in Oregon was something to behold. I wish I could see the next one. It’s in April and it will be the last we can see in the states until 2044. I may try to make it. I know someone who is going already so could just tag along. It’s certainly something that’s best shared.

SO much work went into the installation at the blue room as part of Exit Bellingham. I really don’t know how it turned out since I left town before the festival began. The videos I’d put together didn’t make it up as planned, but I generated so much work and ideas grew out of the collaboration that I can’t be to sad about it. More info about the festival can be found here:

The installation consisted of 5 asteroids and one moonlette, a replica of the Voyager 2 satellite, a moon couch, a biosphere (my 10’ icosahedron that showed at Jack Straw in Seattle, now with its own connectors), a 10 foot tall string curtain as projection screen… I’d also planned to project on numerous surfaces including the moon couch, string curtain and windows, but alas, not all worked throughout due to technical cliches. I hope to reinstall the set somewhere soon to document fully.

Surge installation happened the day after I installed the sculptural elements for Exit. Woof. At first I was not very happy with it but I’m starting to like it more. It’s not as dramatic as the jack straw installation. At JS I had the privilege of having a black box all to myself, but here I can test out how to make something like this work in a group show, in a more pedestrian gallery. I’m getting a lot of great feedback, which surprises me somehow. But I am starting to believe them. I have tweaks in mind, that I’ll add the next go around. I’m really excited to play with the data and the video more… once again this is just the first version.

I need to find my way back in there, after hours or before open to film with more controlled lighting.

Now, I’m working on a performance for next weekend for Flow… I have some ideas but I’m torn. Make something new or work on something that exists. I’m am feeling drawn to make some sort of collective weaving, but I’m not sure it will work. Then there’s my collective sound workshop using sonified objects. Hmmmm. I have to think on it and decide TODAY.

I’ve learned so much in the last month. Catching my breath today. Trying to listen to my wise self to know what comes next. Shhhhh. I’m listening.